The Chief Data Officer (CDO) is a C-level executive, leading the firm’s enterprise-wide data strategy and building a more data-driven company culture. His main purpose is maximizing the business value the company can realize from the increasing amount of data it generates and maintains.

He is a C-level executive and reports to either the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) or the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). In this role he builds a more data-driven company culture and activates employees to use data in new ways. Driving Strategies for the CDO are in the new eras of big data and advanced analytics in combination with classical Business Intelligence approaches.

The CDO’s role combines accountability and responsibility for data protection and privacy, data governance, data quality and data life cycle management, along with the exploitation of data assets to create business value. He leads teams in the area of data processing, analysis, data mining, big data, information trading and other data means.


CDO Differentiation

The Chief Data Officer (CDO) is responsible for creating new business value from firm’s data. His acronym the Chief Digital Officer (CDO) is supporting the company’s transformation towards more digital products and is driving activities in the area of mobile integration, social media and cloud computing. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) often does not bear that business responsibility, but rather is responsible for the IT systems. In 2015 the Chief Analytics Officer (CAO) was born and is focusing on providing input into operational decisions on the basis of the analysis. He has a strong algorithm focus and will work side by side with the CDO or CTO.

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